Wednesday 5 May 2010

Bourne to Cruise the Aegean Sea

We spent the day sunbathing while the ship sailed to the island of Mykonos. We joined the Australian boys in the hot tub but it was broken so it was freezing cold!! We stayed in there for a little while but we got out because we were too cold. We warmed ourselves up in the sauna before getting ready to go out that night. We arrived at Mykonos ahead of schedule so the girls and I walked with Paola while she gave us a small tour of the town. All of the buildings were painted white with blue window shades and the pathways for people to walk were extremely small. Even the ground was painted white!! We ended up on the other side of the city where there were five big windmills on the hill and a place called Little Venice with the water splashing up on the buildings. It was getting time for the sun to set so we planted ourselves on a big rock that was right on the shore and watched as the sun went down. It took a long time for the sun to set but we entertained ourselves during our wait. It was a lot of fun. After the sun had finally set, we walked back through the town and bought some ice cream (chocolate chip) and back to the boat to have dinner. We were on the bus back to the ship when Teresa realized that she had lost her memory card. We rushed back to the ship to get flashlights and then back on the bus back to Mykonos. We had a few hours before we were going to depart but we didn't waste any time getting to the beach to search for the memory card to her camera. We made it to the beach but it was completely dark now so we took our flashlights and just searched the beach. We combed through the entire place but it was extremely difficult with the little amount of light we had. We didn't find the memory card so that is the reason why I don't have the gladiator pictures from Rome or any pictures of the three of us from Rome until Athens. All of us were very disappointed but the next day we accepted it as a fact of life and moved on. It's a little joke between all of us now. At least I'll always remember the images in my head, which is almost better than something printed. We got back to the ship, ate some dinner at the buffet, and then headed to bed.

Now, there was something special about Mykonos. And if you can't tell by the title or you have never seen the movie, this wouldn't really mean anything to you. But a few weeks after spring break Mel and I were watching the movie Bourne Identity. The last scene when Jason Bourne comes into the shop acting like he wants to rent a scooter looked really familiar to us. The view on the area pans out and it was then when we saw the five windmills that we realized that it was Mykonos!!!!! We could even point out the rock where we sat on to watch the sunset. It was the coolest thing ever!!!! We were jumping up and down on the bed, pointing to the computer screen and yelling "We were there!!!!" The picture on the right shows the shop. It is the shop in the far left hand bottom. I didn't know that it had such importance before I went there so I didn't get the best shot of it place but at least I got something! It was so exciting. I can't wait to get home and put in the Bourne Identity movie to show my family the exact spot where I was.

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