Tuesday 25 May 2010

Another Castle and Sea Level Traversing

We slept in the next day because of our late night but we didn't do much that day. I took Dad out to the Tap & Spile out by the pier for lunch where we had baked cod, chips, and peas. It was very good.

The next day I took Dad to Island of Anglesey to the Beumaris Castle. We spent a few hours there (Dad just loved it!) and then bought some things at a local bakery to eat back in my room. We went down to Tecwyn's office to talk with him for a while and then headed on down to the restaurant Yates where we ate bangers and mash (sausages with mash potatoes and peas). We came back to the room, ate our sweets from the bakery, and watched Kevin Costner's Robin Hood. You know we had to because we just saw a scene where it was filmed.

Thursday was my last outdoor pursuits day. Normally I would bring a lunch for myself but all I brought were rice krispie treats and a water bottle because the entire group was doing a grill out. Sally picked us up for the last time and finally told us what our plan of action was for the day. Actually, she had us vote between rock climbing or sea level traversing but then decided to sea level traverse because that was the best place to have the barbecue. We were supposed to go sailing but that didn't happen because there was hardly any wind on the Menai Stait. We grabbed our gear at the Conway Center and headed on out to the same place where we went sea level traversing last time, Penwyn Mawr. This time, we took a completely different route. We started with abseiling down the Atlantic Slants (a steep rock face) and unhooked down at the bottom. We proceeded with traversing along the edge of the cliff until we got to an opening into the cliffs. And you know what that means, a cave! But in order to go into the cave, we had to jump into the water and swim into it! It was fantastic!! It was called the super dragon and it went pretty far back. You could see your breath in the cave and it was extremely dark. The cave ended with a rocky beach at the end and we just sat there for a while. Elliot had gone in before any of us and decided to scare the other girls. Luckily, I saw him before we jumped out. I don't like being caught off guard. Anyway, when it was time to come out of the cave, the waves had picked up or we just didn't notice them on the way in and we all floated on our backs and let the waves carry us. It was amazing! It was almost like a roller coaster! The waves would push further into the cave and then sweep us fairly fast towards the opening. It was awesome! We had to stop after a while because the water was freezing and our hands were so cold. We traversed some more until we got to the beach where we put our stuff earlier. We started the disposable grills (they have those over here!) and slapped on the hamburgers. Mom had me bring lawry's salt over here. I told her I really didn't need it but she insisted. And I am sure glad that she did. That stuff has made my food taste so much better. I brought it along to put on the hamburgers and what's funny is that everybody recognized it! And they were so happy that I brought it! It made me feel pretty special. Ha ha. We had hamburgers with ketchup and mustard. And then some people brought other food to eat such as pasta salad, pringles, Teresa brought pickle wraps, peanut butter m&m's, cookies, Sally's husband Steve made rocky road for us (it was the most delicious thing ever!), and I brought rice krispie treats that Aunt Linda sent to me. It was so much fun. We spent the rest of the afternoon doing our own thing like swimming or skipping rocks. It was a lot of fun. When it was time to go, we packed up our stuff and headed back to the center for the last time.

It was the last time we saw Sally however. The entire group went out to the bar Varsity to have one last time together. We just sat around and talked and had a lot of fun. The first picture on the left is all the girls and Sally. The next picture on the right is the entire Thursday outdoor pursuits class (we only had one boy, Elliot). It was sad to leave Sally that night because we were never going to see her again. And we were never going to have outdoor pursuits again. But I most definitely had the best times of my life and some awesome experiences with outdoor pursuits.

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