Saturday 15 May 2010

Jumping into the Irish Sea

This is my second most favorite OP day (I'll tell you about my favorite activity later on). We went sea level traversing!!!! We put on full body wetsuits, wellies, waterproof pants, cags, helmets, lifejackets, and harnesses and took about a 40 minutes drive to get to our place called Penryhn Mawr. It was the most beautiful day ever! The sun was shining and there were hardly no clouds in the sky. Now for those who do not know what sea level traversing is, it is where you traverse along the coast on the rocks with your body up against the cliffs and the level of the water is just below you. So if you did fall it wouldn't hurt unless you fell on a rock. We traversed for a little while until we came to the place where we made camp and ate our lunch. Then we proceeded into the best part of the day. We went along the coast until we came to an inlet and climbed up the sides until we got to the top, which was really high. Sally was at one end hooking up some rope on a rock while two of the girls from the group were on the other side of the inlet with the other end of the rope tying it off there. Then Sally told us what we all were dreading to hear. We were supposed to go across the rope either by going underneath it like a sloth or going on top of the rope and pulling ourselves across. This is called the Tyrolean Traverse and I would suggest looking it up more on the internet. Here is a picture of someone doing it off the internet just to give you an idea. It was the coolest thing ever! At first I was really scared but once I got on it and was pulling myself across, it wasn't so bad. If we did ever fall, we wouldn't fall in the water, which was quite a drop below us, because the karabiner's and the two cow tails from our harness were hooked on the rope. Once we were all across we traversed until we came to Slot Cave, a little cave that didn't go back very far but once Annie and I went around a corner, there was a long tunnel that opened at the end. It wasn't really a tunnel because it was open at the top but it was a tight squeeze because we had to go sideways at times. We came to an area where the ground went down but the tide was coming in so there was some deep water there. Sally told us that we were now going to bridge ourselves across. This is where you place you feet at one end and your back on the other wall and scoot yourself across. It was so much fun! Once we reached the end of the tunnel we traversed ourselves back to the area where we did the Tyrolean Traverse. Sally went to the edge and then looked at us and said . . . . . okay, now jump. WHAT!?!?!?!?!? She must had been crazy because it was about a 20-25 feet jump into the water. Well we figured that she wouldn't have told us to do it if it wasn't safe. Annie was the first one to take the leap of faith and then I went next. Everyone counted to three and I jumped! The first few seconds were scary and then I realized that I was still falling! I hit the water and went under with the life jacket pulling me right back to the surface. The water was freezing! It took your breath away but as I was swimming to the other side to get to shore, Annie was still in the water and asked, "Do you want to do it again?" And what did I say? "Of course!" We went up and waited for everyone to jump in and then we went again. It was so cool! This is the first time I have ever cliff jumped before and I must say that doing in the Irish Sea was pretty cool. Once everyone jumped as much as they wanted, we packed up our gear and headed out. It was one of my most greatest days.

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