Monday 31 May 2010

Are you going to Scarborough Fair to meet Robin Hood's merrymen?

Cassie and I met at 8:30 in the morning and walked down to the train station together. We boarded on the train to London and from there we took the underground from London Euston to St. Pancras, St. Pancras to Ashford, and finally Ashford to Dover Priory. When we arrived in Dover, we went straight to our bed and breakfast that was right across the street from the train station and dropped off our backpacks. We went over to the castle and paid admission to go in. This castle was HUGE!!! It is the biggest one I have ever seen. We went into the medieval tunnels and then into the great tower. As we kept going up the staircase, they had rooms off to the side that showed what they would have been like in the medieval times and such. It was pretty neat. Once we got through that we walked down to the one thing I really wanted to see and they were the secret war time tunnels! We didn't know that we had to have reservations but we just went with one group and the lady just let us join since she had room. These tunnels were built during the time of Napoleon but were then occupied during World War II. They built another set of tunnels above the other ones to be used as a hospital for quick operations to stabilize the wounded soldiers before they were sent to another hospital for better care. The lower level was where the planning and administration went on. There was a telephone room, the coast guard room, the gun planning type room, and so many more! We passed so many rooms that were closed off and I wanted to explore them so bad! The tunnels went everywhere! We saw the room where Operation Dynamo was planned out and executed. Operation Dynamo was the time when the English evacuated 300,000 men from Dunik during WWII. The tour took about an hour and unfortunately we couldn't take pictures inside the tunnels but there might be some pictures online. Anyway, after the tunnels, Cassie and I went to the Admiralty's Point where we got a good view of the cliffs of Dover. We went back down and bought muffins at the grocery store Somerfield for breakfast in the morning and ate dinner at Subway. Once we got back to the B&B we crashed and watched some tv. I know! There was actually tv!! It was pretty exciting for us.

The next morning we woke up fairly early and checked out of our B&B. We took a super duper long walk but it was worth it because we made it to the cliffs of Dover! That was the main thing I wanted to see on this trip and they were spectacular. We walked along the cliffs for a little while and after a bit we turned back around so we could grab some lunch before our train left. The cliffs were just amazing. I loved them so much. We took the trail back to the road but decided to take another trail. We thought that it was going to be a shorter way until we got to a dead end and realized we were totally wrong. So we turned around and went back and went up the right trail this time. We got onto our train in plenty of time. Don't worry. We got to London St. Pancras and then had to walk to King's Cross Station which is right across the street to catch our next train. Unfortunately we didn't leave from platform 9 (like in Harry Potter), it was from platform 4. After London, we had to change trains at York to get to Scarborough. Once we reached Scarborough, we walked on down to the beach only to find the street by the beach to be like a carnival or a fair! There were casinos, loud music, hot dog stands, ice cream stands, and at the end if the street there were amusement park rides! The entire time I was in the town I had the song Are you going to Scarborough Fair? by Simon and Garfunkel running through my head. We walked along the place for a bit and went to go find a place for supper. And what did we find? Italian, of course. I seem to never get away from it. It was a place called Triscoli and I had pizza sofia, a pizza with with barbecue sauce, bacon, chicken, and pepperoni. It was pretty good. The inside of the restaurant was decorated really nice, probably not like in an Italian home I suspect. Anyway, once supper was finished, Cassie and I made the long haul to our youth hostel which was about 2 miles from the town center. It was a very long walk but in the end it wasn't bad. We made it just fine and the hostel was very nice.

We left around 7 the next morning and walked all the way back to the train station in the town center. But we didn't take a train, we took the bus to Robin Hood's Bay. Now Robin Hood's Bay has nothing to do with Robin Hood but I really wanted to go to it anyway. It was in the North York Moors National Park on the coast. We arrived fairly early so nobody was open for business. So we strolled on down to the beach, took our shoes off, and walked along the sand and put our feet in the water. As we walked we picked up sea shells along the way. After about an hour we headed back up and explored the town for a little bit. There really wasn't much to do in the town but we did eat lunch at an adorable little cafe called Candy's. All I got was a toasted ham and cheese sandwich but it was so good. We did however find a door that said Merrymen on it. It was awesome! Other than that, the town is mainly a fisherman's village. We left the good ole town of Robin Hood's Bay and took the bus to Whitby where our train was going to depart from. When we arrived, there were people everywhere! The bus was so full to get to Whitby that we had to stand the entire time. It wasn't that bad but there were a lot of people! We found a grassy spot on a high ledge and laid there for about 2 hours. And of course the sun was shining and of course, I didn't put sunscreen on. So naturally I got burnt. Really bad on my arms. But it really didn't hurt that bad, it just left me looking tanner than I had been. Even Tecwyn noticed I was tanner, which was weird in my opinion. We got some lunchables at a grocery store and then some ice cream as a treat before getting on the train back to Bangor. All things were going well with the train from Whitby to Middlesbrough and then switched at Middlesbrough to Manchester Picadilly. It was when we were going to Manchester Picadilly that we made a stop at York where the problems came in. The train had stopped for a long time until finally they announced that our train had been terminated. So Cassie and I ran over to the booths and asked what we should do and were told to take the train to Liverpool that stopped at Manchester Picadilly at 19:38. So we waited and waited and waited along with all of the other people on the other train. The train arrived very late and everyone piled onboard. After we waited for a while, it was announced that we were waiting for a driver to come but if we wanted to take the 20:10 train to Manchester Picadilly, it was on platform 9 (on the other side of the station) which was leaving in 5 minutes. Everyone grabbed their stuff and ran over to the next train, Cassie and I along with them. We made it just in time for the train and got to the train station. We had missed our train to Chester but luckily we were able to take another one. But when we arrived at Chester, we had to sprint to our next train to take us to Bangor. We made it about 30 seconds before the doors closed and the train started moving. We got to Bangor around midnight so we were pretty awake after all of the train fiasco. I have never had something like that happen to me before. I guess there is a first for everything. But overall, the Dover trip with Cassie was awesome. I loved every minute of it.

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