Friday 14 May 2010

Stuck in Athens

I am finally on my last day of spring break!!!!! I have been so busy lately that I have not been able to catch up with my blog very fast. But now that spring break is done, I'll be able to finish all my other days fairly quickly, I hope.

So, we woke up really early that morning and finished packing our stuff. We said goodbye to the lovely ship that was our home for the past week. It was an amazing cruise. We said goodbye to the boys and Paola, then us girls and Beth got on a charter bus for a small tour of Athens. It was a very short tour before we were dropped off to go to the airport. Our first stop was at the 1894 first modern Olympic stadium. It was extremely nice and you would have not known that it was built in 1894. It looked brand new. We only stayed there for a little bit and then our next and last stop was the Acropolis at the highest hill. At the Acropolis, there are several buildings and temples. And of course, it was under construction as usual. I made a comment that for once, I want to go to and see a place that is not under construction. Both Mel and Teresa looked at me and said I could come and see their house. Which is completely true! Anyway, our tour guide was very nice but also very boring so towards the end we left her and walked around ourselves. We were extremely tired and just ready to get back to Bangor. But I was still really happy to see the Acropolis. I have always wanted to go to Athens in my life and I finally got to go. It was fairly warm that day but around 11 we headed back to the bus where it dropped us off at Syntagma Square. Now this is a very busy square and we had all of our luggage with us. We hauled it all the way over to McDonald's and got some lunch before heading down to the metro to take to the airport. It felt so good to be going to the airport so we could get home. The train stopped at a station and everyone got off and then the lights shut off in the train. We were a little confused but then a lady stepped back on the train and told us to get off. She told us in the best English that she could that there was another train coming for the airport. It was so nice of her to let us know because we had no clue what was going on. We finally made it to the airport and most definitely in plenty of time. We sat for a while and then checked our bags in before going through security and then once again, sat some more. It was then that we heard our flight had been delayed 3 HOURS!!!!! We were going to get in to Gatwick at around midnight which caused us to miss our train that we booked around 11 that night. We finally got on our flight back to Gatwick but had to come up with a plan B. We decided to spend the night in Gatwick (AGAIN!!!) and take an early morning train. I only slept about an hour because we didn't have as such nice benches as last time, they were wooden this time. We went to get tickets to Bangor, hoping that we wouldn't have to pay for new ones but unfortunately we did. They cost 48 pounds which really, really stunk but actually the Lord really was looking out for us. If we had not missed our train in the first place we would have had to spend from 1am to 4am at a train station called Wolverhampton. Now if that name isn't creepy enough, staying there from 1-4am is. So the Lord took care of us by making us miss our train and staying in the airport which is much safer. The Lord is so good! We got back to Bangor around 9 or 10 that morning. It felt so good to be back!!!! Spring break was officially over but it was the best thing ever!

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