Thursday 6 May 2010

Three Continents Down

We arrived at the small island of Patmos the next morning and only stayed there for a little while. We didn't sign up to take an excursion because of the little time we would be spending on the island so we decided to explore the place. We found a little rocky beach and waded out a little ways. We found several sea urchins and even a star fish (it only had four arms). The water actually wasn't too bad either, which made it especially nice. We walked around the coast for a bit before we headed back to the cruise ship. Our next stop was in Turkey again but this time in the city of Kusadasi. Little did I know that this place was in a completely different continent. It was in Asia!!!! (The picture on the right with our feet is all of us standing in Asia) Mel, Teresa, and I signed up for the excursion of the ancient city of Ephesus. I didn't really know what it was all about until we arrived to our tour and that is when I got really excited. Paul wrote a letter to the people of Ephesus called Ephesians and the city is one of the seven churches in the book of Revelations. We had the best tour guide ever, his name was George. He would talk about himself in third person the entire tour. So he would say "Everyone follow George!" He was awesome! Only about 10% of the city has been excavated. George was telling us that the city ranged everywhere! It was a port city but the water no longer comes up to the edge of the town because the sea has receded several miles back. We walked along a long pathway and came to a huge building that was once the library. It was just massive! We walked along the stone path that Paul and John had once walked on long ago and ended up at the amphitheater. This obviously wasn't as big as some amphitheaters but it was still pretty impressive. We ended the tour with some shopping in Kusadasi and headed back to the cruise ship. It was Greek night on the cruise and we all wore blue and/or white to dinner and had Greek food, the waiters sang to us, and showed us magic tricks. I had deep fried meatballs and chicken in a sauce with vegetables. The ship was really rocking that night and when everyone was done with their main course, the lights in the ship started to die down and flicker. It was a little nerve racking to think that something was going on but then all of a sudden all of the waiters came out holding the dessert called Baked Alaska with foil on top of it and a flame coming out of it, swinging their white towels in the air, and singing. Everyone started clapping to the music and yelling Opa! The desert was very good. Afterwards we went to the Metropolitan Lounge and watched demonstrations of Greek dancing and then did some karaoke at the disco to end the night.

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