Sunday 23 May 2010

Catch a Wave and Your Sitting on Top of the World

Yep, that's right. We went surfing for outdoor pursuits!!!! It was the coolest thing ever! We grabbed our gear and headed out to the beach to catch some waves. We first learned how to body surf on our boards and then move up to standing from there. I was bound and determined to stand up. It was my ultimate goal of the day. We headed out to the water and started surfing. The waves were HUGE!!! And the water was pretty cold but thank goodness we had our wetsuits on. I got the hang of body surfing right away. As soon as you see a wave coming, you have to get on your board (laying down) and start paddling. You keep paddling until you feel the wave lifting you up and that's when you push yourself up. After body surfing for a while, I eventually made it up to my knees when riding the waves. We surfed for quite a while until it was time to break for lunch. I was exhausted but I had not made it to standing on the board yet. We started getting really cold during lunch since we had stopped moving so once everyone had finished eating, Sally had us warm our bodies back up by acting like we were in the winter Olympics and participating in the sports. We looked quite silly actually but it definitely warmed us back up. I was anxious to get back in the water because I wanted to stand up!!! The waves were not as big as they had been in the morning but I kept on trying. It took a little while but guess what?!?!?!?! I stood up on my board!! I actually did it twice and only for a few moments but I did it! You have no idea how proud I was of myself. I accomplished my goal of the day (and it was a tough goal). Now I can say I officially surfed. Sally called us back in and we divided into pairs to play some games like holding the surfboard while your partner tried to stand on it and things like that. It was fun but all of us were exhausted from balancing on the board, pushing ourselves up and fighting the waves while walking out to the deeper water. We packed up our stuff and headed back to the Center. When we got back to Bangor, I took a shower and then went down to the train station to meet Dad. He had a great time at Portsmouth and London but it was good to see him again. We had pizza from Pizza House (delicious!!!) It was no resting that night though because we had to pack our backpacks for the trip to Scotland tomorrow!

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