Sunday 30 May 2010

Climbing to the top of Snowdon

That's right. My friends and I climbed to the top of Snowdon, the tallest mountain in Wales and England! It really wasn't all that difficult. Kaylee, Teresa, Ashley, and I took a bus to the town of Llanberis to get to our footpath to climb the mountain. The path wasn't too difficult to climb until we started getting towards the top of the mountain. It started to get incredibly steep and harder to climb. It took us about 2 hours to climb to the top and boy was it cold! It was freezing! There was only a little bit of snow on the top but it was cold enough for it to snow, I swear. We could have taken a train up to the top but we wanted to climb it. So we watched about three trains go up and down during the time we walked up to the top. Once we reached the top, there was a building we could go inside that offered hot drinks, food, and bathrooms. Before we went to the top we stopped into the building to warm up a bit. Once we could feel our fingers and toes, we went on up to the top. And of course, the entire mountain was covered by a cloud so all we could see was whiteness. But when we reached the top, there was a cylinder that had the names of towns and arrows pointed in the direction where they are located. We stayed up there for only a little bit and then decided on it being time to climb on down. Once again, it took us about 2 hours to climb down the same way we came up but just in time for the bus to take us back to Bangor. When we were in the town of Llanberis, we went into a shop and bought buttons that say I've climbed Snowdon Summit 1085 metres. It's a pretty classy button, I must say. When we arrived back to Bangor, we all got together and made supper. We had cheeseburger macaroni, mashed potatoes, green beans with Velveeta cheese, banana creme pie, and we then made chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies. I was incredibly full after that. I feel so much better that I was able to climb Snowdon before coming back home.
The next day I was very sore, mostly in my hips and legs but after working on my essay, everyone (that means Mel, Allison, Cassie, Kaylee, Ashley, Teresa, and I) went up to the Roman Camp and had a grill out. We bought disposable grills and grilled hamburgers. We also had my cheese dip and chips, the rest of the banana creme pie, and we built a fire afterwards and made smores that Aunt Linda had sent me earlier in the year. During this time we listened to Disney, Michael Buble, Michael Jackson, and Keith Urban music on Kaylee's ipod and even did a few cartwheels! It was such an enjoyable evening.

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