Saturday 22 May 2010

Cardiff-the capital of Wales and a very special visitor

Day One: The bus left around 8 in the morning and it was a tiny bus. It was a 22 seater and there were 20 of us on a 4 hour drive. We were supposed to have a bigger bus but since the volcano erupted, they had to use the bigger buses to take stranded passengers from Dover where they took the chunnel to London. Our first stop was at Hereford to see the oldest cathedral in Britain and also holds the Mappa Mundi, the 13th century medieval map of the world. We only stayed for a little bit before moving on to the next place called Tinturn Abbey. Now this is pretty much the one and only thing I wanted to see on this entire trip. It is a medieval monastery that was once occupied by monks. The roof no longer exists but the place is just massive! It was the coolest thing ever! We stayed once again, only for a little bit before arriving to Cardiff. We got our room assignments at the hostel and went out to eat as a whole group. It was really nice we did it because we hadn't hung out as a whole group in such a long time. We went to a Mexican restaurant where I got enchiladas. They were delicious! And so ends the first day in Cardiff.

Day Two: The hostel provided breakfast and then we followed Iwan to the castle. Tecwyn was supposed to be with us on the trip but he was in the States at the time the volcano erupted so he was stranded and was unable to make it back in time. But don't worry! He made it back just fine. But Iwan, a friend of Tecwyn, took his place. The Cardiff castle was once a castle but then was transformed into a house. It was actually given as a wedding present. We got a tour of the place where we were taken to different rooms. The rooms were so decorated and beautiful! After the tour we walked around the place for a bit and then moved onto the Millennium Stadium. This stadium is where Wales plays its rugby and football games! It was massive! It can hold about a third of the population of Wales, which is in my opinion, pathetic. There are more people in London than in the entire country of Wales. Anyway, we had another tour of the place where we saw the players' changing rooms, the hospitality boxes (these are really fancy rooms to watch the games), and the seat where the Queen sat at a game in 1999. The place was so big! They even have a retractable roof where it only takes 20 minutes to open and close it. We climbed onto the bus after the tour and went over to Cardiff Bay where there were shops and places to eat. It was a very popular place to hang out but we had other plans and a schedule to keep to. We went to St Fagans: National History Museum just outside of Cardiff. It is an open air museum that is just like Living History Farms back at home but only its Welsh. It had several different houses throughout the place that showed the different living styles of the Welsh. It was very repetitive to me so I didn't find it too interesting. But don't worry, I still had a good time. The sad thing is that I didn't take too many pictures of the houses, I mostly took pictures of the sheep and the flowers. Anyway, we went back to Cardiff where my friends and I went to a souvenir shop to get some things. And of course, I certainly bought some stuff. We got Subway for dinner and went to a nearby park to eat it. There were magnolia trees everywhere so we sat on those while eating my chicken bacon (and of course toasted) sandwich and smelling the beautiful smells. And this is when we decided to get a little goofy as well. There was a joke going among Melissa and I when we sat in the special seats in the Millennium Stadium. There were names to mark who they belonged to and the ones that Mel and I sat in where for a married couple. I sat in Mark Polin's seat and Mel sat in Karen Polin. So we made it a joke that we were married. So while we were all laying in the tree, an idea came to me. Let's take pictures from the courting stage to the marriage stage! Now, you must remember that we are young college aged students who are bored at the moment. The next few pictures are very entertaining.

First comes the courting stage (left).

Then comes the proposal (right).

Engagement pictures are then followed (left).
With the marriage at last (right). Kaylee and Cassie were our bridesmaids throwing flower petals as we proceeded down the aisle. Now I know several of you who are reading this are either rolling your eyes or shaking your head, but remember, we are bored and this was actually a lot of fun! After the wedding (and to inform you, Mel and I's marriage didn't last long, we both agreed to end it since it wasn't working) we went back to the hostel and packed our bags to be ready to leave the next day.
Day Three: It is the day we returned to Bangor. But not without first making a stop at the National Museum and Gallery of Wales. This was an incredibly boring place and I won't even feel sorry about saying it. We walked around it for a little while and then walked around the shopping area for a while. Then we headed back to Bangor. It was a long ride back because it was 4 hours but it felt longer to me because I had a surprise waiting for me. Dad was coming!!!!!! I was having such a hard time being patient while we drove back to Bangor. I wanted to tell our driver Arwel to speed things along so we could get back faster. But I didn't, of course. We got back and I rushed to my room to put everything away from the weekend and check my email to see what train my Dad was arriving on. He wasn't going to get in until later that evening so I straightened my room up once more and headed over to Mel's room for a little researching. And you won't believe what we did. We bought tickets to the Wales vs. South Africa rugby game on June 5th! It is the day before we leave for home but we figured it all out and we found out that we could make it! I still can't believe I'm going to the game! It was hard waiting for Dad to arrive but I went down to the train station to meet him. I saw his train come in and I searched the cars to make sure he wasn't sleeping. And then I spotted him, he was standing up and waving to me! He came off the train and it was sooooo good to see him! We hugged each other for a very long time and I will have to say that I got a few tears in my eyes. He brought me so much stuff! He brought clothes and so so so so so much food! He spent the day in London before coming to Bangor so we talked about that and pretty much everything else. We skyped the family back home, Mom thought it was so weird to see Dad there with me and it felt pretty weird as well. I now had my Dad with me for the next two weeks.

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