Sunday 23 May 2010

Yes, Your Majesty

Well the first day that Dad was with me, I had classes to go to. But while he rested (it's a 7 1/2 hour flight over here) I went to class and then in between classes, I showed him around Bangor. There really isn't much to show but I walked him around High Street and the main arts building that we call Hogwarts. I made grilled cheese for dinner and we finished the evening with watching Red Skelton (I love Red, he is the best comedian ever!)

The next day Dad and I took the bus to Caernarfon Castle. This was the first castle I visited on my first fieldtrip. It is the one where Prince Charles was crowned the Prince of Wales. This is a huge castle and very neat, so naturally, I wanted to take Dad to it. We left Bangor with a lot of people standing around the train station because the Queen of England was coming to visit. She hadn't been to Bangor since the 60's so it was a big deal. We arrived at Caernarfon in about 20 minutes and walked straight to the castle only to find a bunch of people standing around. Apparently, the Queen was visiting the castle the same day as well! My Dad and I couldn't believe our luck. We wanted to go see the castle and the Queen of England decides to show up the same time as well. We walked around the back where a police man stopped us. We asked him if the Queen was coming around this way and he said, I can't tell you that sir. But then the policeman said, If you go behind these gates right over there, you are going to get a better view of her than the people standing at the front. So basically he told us that the Queen was coming around there. We waited for a little while until a fancy car with a lot of policemen following showed up. And who stepped out? The Queen!!! She waved at the crowd (of course a security guy got right in my way when she waved so I couldn't get a picture of her waving) and stepped into the castle. She was dressed all in pink with a hat to match. Dad and I walked around the castle to the front at the Queen's gate and waited with the rest of the people for the Queen to show up and wave again to everyone. There were so many people! The Queen came out and waved to everyone. She didn't stay for very long but while she was in there, my Dad and I walked around the town for a little bit. She left not long after that and Dad and I were able to go into the castle. He absolutely loved it! It was so enjoyable to have him around, showing him the castle. We stayed for a while there and then headed on back to Bangor. I had my art class that evening and I needed to finish a paper for OP. The next day Dad left to finish touring London and visit the town of Portsmouth where the H.M.S Victoria was at. He was going to be back on Thursday, after I got back from OP. And boy was outdoor pursuits fun . . . . . .

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