Sunday 30 May 2010

Shopping on Penny Lane

Well I had my Developmental Psychology Final on Wednesday and I thought it didn't go too bad. The atmosphere was pretty stressful though. You could not have any coats or backpacks when going into the room. Once you entered the room all the desks were in straight rows with three pieces of paper on it; the test, the bubble sheet, and the blue book to write your essays in. There was a big clock at the front of the room and as soon as the clock struck 2, the professor said begin. So for an hour and a half I had to stay in the room and take the test while several helpers walked around making sure no one cheated. It was just so weird! Well the test is over with and it didn't go too badly. At least I hope so. The rest of the week I worked like mad on my What is Welshness essay for Tecwyn.

On Saturday, we took a fieldtrip to Liverpool, the birth place of the Beatles. The first thing that we did was go through the Beatles tour. It had everything, from the personal lives of the Beatles, to the start of their fame, and ending at their break up. There was a model of the Cavern that they used to play at, Abbey Road, a model of the plane they rode over on when they came to the USA, a grave for Eleanor Rigby, and a huge yellow submarine that you could go into with fish swimming in the port holes. It was so cool. We had audio guides to listen to plus information to read on the walls, plus music playing in the background. It was a little overwhelming. I know Dad would have thoroughly enjoyed it. He would have spent hours in there. Once we got through the tour, there was a Beatles store at the end and I bought a Beatles t-shirt. Im really excited to wear it when I get back home. We stepped into the glorious day to do what? Shopping! That was another main reason why I wanted to go to Liverpool. We went around the main square and mall with massive amounts of people everywhere! I am not a crowd kind of person so this was not very much fun for me. But it was a Saturday afternoon and there were even more people because several groups of dancers were doing some sort of weird dances with bells on their feet and some with painted faces. They were all doing it for charity work. It was actually really neat. After we watched those people for a while, we kept on going shopping and went into the store called Primark. Kaylee had told me earlier that when this store opens each morning, it is like Black Friday, only every single day because the prices are so low. They were incredibly low but there were so many people! I sure didn't enjoy that but I did however get a sweat for 5 pounds that I can wear during the winter. I really like it too. So after the craziness of Primark we moved on to just walking around the city until it was time to go.
This was going to be my last time seeing Tecwyn so I got a picture with him and Kaylee. I did go see him a few days later but this was the only chance I was going to get a picture with him. He has been an awesome program director.

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