Wednesday 14 April 2010

Ireland Part 1-A weekend in Dublin

Alright everyone, I am alive! I got back from spring break Saturday morning and I had the most amazing time of my life! There is so much stuff I want to say! So the blogs will be coming a little at a time. Hopefully I can write about it all before my next fieldtrip. So, it all started in Ireland . . . . .

We left Bangor in a charter bus in the morning with the whole group excited and all their bags packed. Several of the girls brought their small, carry-on suitcases. I didn't bring that much stuff so I was able to fit it all in my backpack. I can officially say that I am a light packer now. Ha ha. It took about 20 minutes to drive across the Island of Anglesey to the city of Holyhead where our ferry was going to be taking off. We got onto the Irish Ferries and our spring break had officially started. The ferry was super nice! I don't think I have ever been on a ferry this big before. There were two levels for the people to sit on (upstairs being the high paying customers) and even little food places. As soon as we got on the boat, we were all like little kids in a candy store. We threw our stuff in some chairs and then ran out to the deck. It was incredible rough all the way over to Ireland. You couldn't even walk straight. It kinda looked like people were drunk when they walked. As soon as we got onto the deck, the wind just blew you away. I really mean it. But it was so much fun! The picture on the left kinda shows how windy it was. The ferry ride took about 2 hours. We got to Dublin where we went through customs and got our passports stamped (I have so many stamps in my passport now, its exciting!). We got on a bus and headed over to our hostel to drop our stuff off. We were staying at the globetrotters hostel and I shared a room with the 7 of my friends. It was a really nice hostel. In the morning we got a full Irish breakfast that consisted of baked beans, eggs, sausage, bacon, and hash browns. I got everything except for the eggs (yuck). As soon as we dropped off our stuff, Tecwyn took us around the city of Dublin for a little bit and then he left us to go do whatever we wanted. My friends and I ended up in a pub called O'Shea's to get dinner since it was around that time. It was a big day for the Irish because the Rugby tournament was going on and Ireland vs. Scotland were playing. If Ireland won, they would receive the triple crown trophy for the second year in a row. People were dressed in green everywhere! Then there were several Scots in the pubs as well. You could definitely tell it was them because they were wearing kilts and everything. It was hilarious! Well, unfortunately Ireland lost but it was a fun experience. Two of the boys from Central actually bought tickets to go to the game and they came back with extra flags so I got one! It is now hanging in my room. Allison, Mel, Justine, and I got some gelato (definitely not as good as Rome's) and then joined the others at a pub called The Celt. There was live music going on and the place was packed! We only stayed for a little before we went on back to the hostel.
Day two of Dublin: We started off our day with a walking tour with Tecwyn leading the way (after a full Irish breakfast of course). We started with visiting Trinity College. We were supposed to go see the Book of Kells but the place wasn't going to open for a few more hours so Tecwyn was going to take us the next day. We walked all through the city. We saw Temple Bar (a street with a lot of pubs and shops), St. Patrick's Cathedral, the Molly Malone Statue, Parliament, and a park with the Oscar Wilde statue. While the rest of the group went to do a tour of the Guinness Brewery, Justine, Mel, Allison, Ashley, Kaylee, Cassie, Teresa, and I walked quite a ways out to the west part of Dublin and went to tour the Kilmainham Gaol. It was a prison that was very popular but officially closed in 1924. We only paid 2 eruos for a tour too! We got there and had a tour through the place by a local Irishman. He had the most amazing Irish accent ever. Now I can see why the Irish accent is the number one most sexiest accent. I fell in love with him. Hopefully I wasn't drooling. Ha ha. Don't worry, I wasn't. But I bet I had a starry look on my face. Any way, the tour of the prison was amazing! We learned a lot about the history of Ireland. After the tour, Ashley and Teresa went to the Guinness Brewery to take the tour and the rest of us went to St. Patrick's park, got some lunch, and sat in the park for a little while. It was warm and beautiful and we just sat and sunbathed. After a little of dozing we wandered around Dublin for a little while. We went through another park and then ended up in a shopping area. There were so many people and there was a band in the middle of street just playing some music (which was actually pretty good). Kaylee and I got some shamrock shakes from McDonalds. I would say that is pretty appropriate to get when in Dublin, Ireland. And they were delicious. We got back to the hostel to rest a bit and then ate some pizza for dinner. Then we went out to the lovely night life of Dublin. We went to the Arlington Pub that had live Irish music. It was pretty good (except there was a recorder that kept playing along with the songs but he was not keeping up with the players and it sounded terrible. But little did we know that there was going to be more of a surprise waiting for us. There was live Irish dancing! It was the coolest thing ever!I absolutely loved it! We stayed there for a little bit and then headed back to the hostel to pack up our things and get ready for bed. Our next day was going to be a long bus ride to the other side of Ireland to Galway.

Day three of Dublin: We had breakfast and then packed up our stuff to head on out to Galway. Before we left, we followed Tecwyn to Trinity College again but this time we were able to go into the Book of Kells exhibit. The Book of Kells is the four gospels written by monks long ago but when the vikings attacked, they hid it and kept it safe. We went on upstairs to the Trinity College Library, which is one of the coolest libraries I have ever seen! It almost looks exactly like the one from Harry Potter. There were two floors and the walls were crawling with books. There were little sections all through the library and then bookshelves on either side of the section. Then there were ladders that slide when you pushed them to reach very high books. The library held some of the oldest books in the world. It was just so cool. I wanted to spend more time in there but since we couldn't explore a lot of the library, we went down to the bookshop and then headed back to the hostel to wait for our bus. On the way over I bought a Molly Malone statue since I couldn't find any kind of building to add to my "city collection." The bus came and we all piled on to start another adventure in Ireland.

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