Friday 16 April 2010

Ireland Part 2-Living life on the edge

So I left off at leaving Dublin on a very long bus ride to Galway. . . . . .

The bus ride lasted about 4 hours and we stopped at a town to stretch our aching legs and to have some lunch. I cheated a little and took some bread from breakfast and made a peanut butter sandwich instead of paying for lunch. We finally arrived to Galway in the afternoon on Monday to our hostel. I got to share a room with Teresa, Ashley, Megan, Sarah, and Melanie. This time I got to have the bottom bunk but the pillows were as flat as pancakes and the mattresses were super hard so it wasn't like it made any difference being on the bottom. After we dropped off our stuff, Tecwyn walked us around the town. We went into the cathedral, which was beautiful, and then ended at the harbor. Tecwyn let us explore and have the rest of evening free to ourselves. The group split up and Kaylee and I went off by ourselves and looked into some shops. I bought myself some earrings and then we raced to the pier out to the lighthouse so we could watch the sunset. We saw the other group but then we realized that we had to walk quite a ways to catch up with them. We started to walk really fast to catch up but then so we wouldn't miss the sunset. We eventually made it but then realized that we had a good hour before the sun was going to eventually set. That made Kaylee and I feel a little stupid. But the rest of my group of friends were there, so we made the time pass quickly. Or so we thought. The wind was blowing like crazy and it was COLD! So the time did not pass as quickly as we had hoped. But we still made some fun use out of our time. The sunset was very pretty but we were ready to go someplace where it was warm. Teresa, Ashley, and I had not eaten dinner so we were starving. We went into to a local restaurant where we ordered cod and chips. The cod was pretty good but I still don't like the texture. But at least I can say I have tried it a few times now. We went back to the hostel after dinner and everyone just crashed. I think the entire Central group was in bed early that night because everyone was pooped.

Galway Day Two: We got on a bus around 9:30 and made our way to our first stop, a tower that was once occupied by a landlord of a certain town. We were only there for a few minutes and then we were off again but this time we stopped at one of the many favorite places of Ireland I loved, the burren landscape. It is a land that is completely filled with rocks but with crevices and other formations. It doesn't look pretty to a lot of people but I found it amazing. We got to send a little time there, taking pictures and exploring. Then we went to our next spot, which was cooler than the burren. They were cliffs that were not very high but it was extremely rough that day and the waves very huge!!! They were coming up and sometimes reaching higher than us. We made sure that we stayed back so we wouldn't get wet. I can't say the same for the boys though. They went to the edge where they were getting their pictures taken when a massive wave came up and just drenched them. It was pretty funny. We got a little more time here but then we hopped back on the bus to our main destination of the day, the cliffs of Moher. They are about 1,300 feet high and we got to spend a few hours walking along them. They were really cool but I was more excited for the cliffs we were going to see the next day. We made our way back to Galway but not without stopping at a church in the town of Kilfenora that held several old celtic crosses surrounded by a cemetery. I think every grave had a tombstone with a celtice cross on it. They really didn't think about how to save space there. You couldn't walk without stepping on the slab of a grave. After the church we stopped at a portal tomb that was 3,000 years old and then we stopped to take a group picture. Kind of a weird place to take a group picture but whatever floats your boat. We got back to Galway where Ashley, Teresa, and I went shopping. Teresa got a sweatshirt and I bought myself an Irish pub souvenir. We got back to the hostel where my group of friends and I had some lasagna and garlic bread for dinner and then a few hours later we went out to the King's Head pub. We watched the battle of bands for a few hours (unfortunately, it wasn't very good) but it was fun hanging out with my friends.

Galway Day Three: This was my favorite day of Ireland by far. We left around 9 in the morning and rode the bus to the ferry where we rode that over to the Aran Islands. When we arrived, Tecwyn had rented bikes for us and we were let loose! We got to ride bikes all through the Aran Islands! It was the most beautiful day ever. God gave us the most perfect day anyone could have asked for. We rode up to the highest point of the island called Oun Arann Lighthouse and then rode down a really rocky path (just like mountain biking which I didn't enjoy) and rode to the Port Mhuirbigh beach. We kicked off our shoes, walked along the sand, and ate our lunches that we brought. Melissa and I waded a little bit in the water, thinking that it would be a little cold, but it was freezing! It was very misguiding because the water was so blue and it was sunny and nice out. We dried our feet off and got back on the bikes to ride to the cliffs by Dun Aonghasa. These cliffs were much, much, much better than the cliffs of Moher. They had no wall to keep you from the edge, which I know sounds very dangerous but it was awesome! We didn't stand right by the edge because a blast of wind could knock you off your feet but we laid on our stomachs when we went to the edge. It was about a 600 foot drop but it was absolutely gorgeous! We had a little fun with the picture taking as well. We took a long time at the cliffs but it was getting late and we had to be back at a certain time for the ferry. On our way back we rode to a beach and spotted some seals. It was so neat. We got back to the ferry in time and got back to our hostel in the evening. The entire Central group went out to the pub Monroe's, even Tecwyn and his friend Richard that came along to Ireland. For dinner, my friends and I bought stuff to make taco salads. They were very good (but they would have been better if there was some Ranch dressing on it). The next morning we packed up our stuff and headed on back to Bangor. It was another 4 hour drive to Dublin and then another 2 hour ferry ride to Holyhead port, and then another 45 minute drive back to Bangor. We were all so very happy to be back after a long day of travelling. As soon as I got back I went right to the post office and there it was. The most biggest package I have ever received in my entire life. It was AWESOME!!!! The man who was checking my mail for me had trouble looking for it. I don't think he believed that it was for me. But when I got back to my room and opened it. It was the highlight of my day. I got all my favorite foods and even more. The letters and cards from everyone was so nice. Thanks everyone! You have no idea how much I have enjoyed it. I have been sharing my life savers and we have already planned when we are going to do smores. I will have to admit that some of my friends told me that they are jealous of the package I got. It was a good way to end the first half of my spring break.

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