Tuesday 20 April 2010

A Day full of the Vatican, Gelato, and Pizza

We woke up early the next morning and was walking to the Vatican by 8. We had already bought tickets online for the Vatican before we left so we didn't have to wait in line. We got to go straight to the front. We had to go through security and then we were officially in. We didn't pay for a tour so we got to go on our own pace through the place. It might have been nice for a tour guide but there was so much information that we kinda skipped right over a lot of stuff. My main item I wanted to see was the Sistine Chapel. There were so many paintings, statues, and vases. Here are a few pictures of some paintings. They were always on the ceiling. But they were so neat. Unfortunately, they don't allow pictures in the Sistine Chapel. There are so many men walking around making sure people don't take pictures. The chapel was incredible dark and very dim lit. The one thing I found to be funny was there was a man at the front of the room walking underneath the Last Judgement Painting and every so often he would yell silence and quiet if they room got to be noisy. It was just so weird! We stayed in the Sistine Chapel for a little while. I absolutely loved it! The ceilings were just amazing. And I got to see the God and Adam painting. It was so neat! We left the chapel and walked on out to the exit. As we were walking down the sweetest staircase ever, we heard Melissa's name being called. I don't know if I mentioned in my London post but we randomly met up with two girls we knew from Central who were visiting London that weekend as well. They were studying in the Spain program but it was just so weird to accidentally meet up with them in London. But back to my story, we heard Melissa's name being called and we turned around to find Katie (one of the girl's we saw in London) coming down to meet us! She was touring the Vatican at the same time. Who knew!?!? It was so odd to see her first in London and then in Rome! We all walked out of the Vatican (which now had a TON of people waiting outside to get in) and stopped at a gelato shop called Old Bridge. This time I got Carmel gelato and it was delicious! We left Katie at St. Peter's Basilica and went to buy a 3-day pass bus tour. Not only did it give us the bus tour but it also gave us the chance to use any public transportation for 3-days (which worked out perfectly). We began our tour of Rome with starting at the Pantheon. Of course, there had to be construction on half of it, but I was used to construction by then. We went on it and explored a little. There really wasn't much to explore because it is a dome building with a circular interior, but it was still cool. We left the Pantheon and wandered over to the Piazza Venezia where the tomb of the unknown soldier is located. The building is massive with two huge statues at both ends of the building. The statues were angels holding the reins of four horses. There was a small older guard in front of the soldiers guarding the tomb that had a whistle and would blow it if he found people sitting on the steps. It was really funny. We went down a street and found a pizza place called Pastarito and had some lunch. The pizza was better than last night. We walked on down to the Colosseum but we didn't go in. Don't worry! We went in the next day. We hopped on our tour bus and rode it back to St. Peter's to find an atm for me and a place to email Morgan to tell her when to meet us. We hopped back on our bus and rode it to the Trevi Fountain! I was really excited for this because I have seen the Trevi Fountain in so many movies and heard so much about it. And I got to see it! There were so many people there! The place was packed but we made it to the front and we all threw coins in. When you throw in a coin, it signifies that you will return to Rome sometime in your life. We walked on to the Spanish Steps. We bought some gelato (this time mint and cookies) to give us a reason to sit on the Spanish Steps. There were so many people there as well! It was crazy! We sat there for a while until our gelato was finished. We took the metro back to one of our tour bus stops where Mel and I bought some sunglasses and then we rode our tour bus back to St. Peter's to meet Morgan. The metro by the way is really creepy. If you ever go to Rome, I suggest to stay above the ground. Anyway, we got to St. Peter's and didn't have to wait long for Morgan to show up. I still couldn't believe I was in Rome and I was hanging out with Morgan. It was soooo cool! Morgan walked us around the city a little bit more and then we stopped at a restaurant for dinner called Casa Matallo. Morgan and I both got the house special which was pasta with alfredo sauce, meat, and peas. It was awesome! And then of course, we split 2 pizzas. It's almost a rule to have pizza everyday while you are visiting Rome, or in my case, several times a day. We walked on over to Morgan's favorite gelato store where I got three flavors: armena (black cherry), pistachio, and limone (lemon). We were going to see the Trevi Fountain at night but the three of us were extremely tired from walking around all day so we made plans to see Morgan on Wednesday and went back to our bed and breakfast for the night. And so ends day one in Rome.

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