Monday 19 April 2010

Making our way to Rome

Teresa, Melissa, and I met up with our bags packed and ready. We were so excited! We walked on the way down to the train station with Teresa and I's suitcases rolling behind us while Mel carried her dufflebag. We arrived at the train station and then hopped on the train and we were off to London. We got to London three hours later arriving at Euston station and ate some dinner at Burger King. We rode the Tube to Victoria Station (which was extremely busy and it was not fun with the suitcases) and then bought tickets for a 30 minute train ride to Gatwick airport. We got to Gatwick and found an area to camp out for the night. I only got about 2 hours of sleep that night. It was a lot more comfortable than sleeping in the Liverpool airport however. Around 4am we checked in our luggage and went through security around 4:30. There was a huge shopping area once you got through security! It was massive! Once we found out our terminal number (terminal 2) we walked really fast to beat everyone so that we could get good seats on the plane. The flight only took about 2 hours and both Teresa and Mel fell asleep. Somehow I always get stuck in the middle and the people beside me always fall asleep. I am unable to take naps, I have really tried. It would have been nice to get a window seat and look out while the others slept but oh well. We arrived and as I walked out, I expected to see Morgan. Then I realized that I told her the wrong terminal in which to pick us up in. I told her Terminal 2 but we came in Terminal 3. So we stayed there for a while then we went to Terminal 1, 2, and then back to 3. I got on a pay phone and tried calling her but there was no answer. So my friends and I went to the train station and got in line to get tickets. I kept looking out for Morgan, just in case. Then praise the Lord, I saw her. She was looking everywhere and I just left my luggage and ran to her. Apparently she forgot that last night was daylight savings time for the rest of the world and didn't set her clock. So she rushed over to Terminal 2 and found out that it is only for departures. So she went franticly looking for us at other terminals and luckily went to the train station. Morgan told us that they don't ever check your tickets on the train so we got out of line and followed her to the train that took us to her apartment. We went in and got directions to our bed and breakfast and then Morgan took us over to it. When we arrived, there was a note on the wall that had Teresa's name on it with a number. Teresa called it and it turned out to be our bed and breakfast lady but she wasn't going to be able to meet us for another 30 minutes because she was out to lunch. So we had to wait outside of the building for another 30 minutes until we saw the lady. Morgan left us to go do some homework and we followed the lady up to our room. She opened the door to a small hallway and then we opened another door on the right that was our room. It was really nice. It had two beds (single and double), a small bathroom with a shower, and a balcony. In the hallway there was a cupboard so we opened it and it was a tiny kitchen! It was so cute. We threw down our stuff in the room and just crashed. We were all so pooped from the lack of sleep and the amount of traveling we had to do. Melissa got the single bed and I shared the bed with Teresa. I was tired but for some reason I didn't feel like laying on the bed. So I laid down on the wooden floor (don't ask me why) and actually took a nap. I woke up a few times but I was so tired that I didn't pick myself up to go lay on the bed. After a very nice and very long nap, we made ourselves a little more presentable and then went out into the city of Rome to find dinner. Our bed and breakfast was right by St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican so there were plenty of shops. We passed a gelato shop and we decided to buy our first thing in Rome: Gelato. And it was delicious. I got mint chocolate chip and it was just amazing. We walked around the Vatican a little bit and found the entrance where we were supposed to go to tomorrow morning. We then found a restaraunte called Picalo's and ordered our dinner. I got pizza (which tasted alright) and afterwards we headed back to our room, took showers, and then hit the sack. Apparently I snored really, really bad that night. I woke both Teresa and Mel up. I remember waking up in the night and noticing that my throught hurt incredibly bad. I took a drink of water from my water bottle on my night stand and it helped a little. Then I went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning with the worst sore throat I have ever had. It was terrible. I also had some sinus thing going on. But good ole Mom told me to pack some Mucinex just in case and guess what, I needed them. Thank you Mom! I would be terribly lost without you, and would have had a miserable time on Spring Break if I had not taken some Mucinex.

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