Thursday 22 April 2010

You know, the big round thing and a bunch of ruins by it?

This day was my most favorite day. We went into the Colosseum! It really is smaller than what it looks like. But we stood in line for a while and then had to push and shove our way up to the ticket line. We got a deal to see the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Palentino and an audio guide that took us around the Colosseum. We finally got in and started our audio guides. The only problem was there were no numbers on where to start on the guide. So we pushed random numbers and even though we were in the wrong locations of the Colosseum to what the audio guide was talking about, I still learned some cool things. I didn't learn this from the audio guide but did you know that they used to fill up the fighting area with water and have ships come out and do fighting? The Romans were incredible! But back to the Colosseum. There are two levels you can go on but you cannot walk completely around it. We spent a little more time there but I loved every minute of it. We turned in our audio guides after two hours and left the Colosseum. Outside of it were several men dressed as gladiators to take a picture with. It was so funny! We went and got lunch (pizza, of course) and then went through the Roman Forum. We didn't pay for a audio guide for this but it might have been better because nothing is labeled. Everything is just a bunch of ruins but it was still cool! We spent a while in there because there was sooooo much! But we got back on our tour bus and headed right next door to the circus maximus, the place where chariot races used to occur. The tour bus says it comes every 10 minutes so we decided to just get dropped off, take some pictures, and then hop back on the next bus. We were completely wrong. We waited about 20 minutes and while we were waiting, it started to rain on us. We weren't very happy about it. But FINALLY (after seeing about 5 other tour buses stop) our bus came and we hopped on. We rode to St. Peter's Basilica and decided to go into the church after all (even though we planned on doing it tomorrow). Once we were through security, we followed the mass amount of people into the church. St. Peter's is beautiful! It is so decorated with designs, statues, and paintings. I loved it! And I got to see my favorite statue: the Pieta by Michelangelo. We went through the main part of St. Peter's and then moved on down to the Tomb of the Popes. The whole place looked like it was made out of marble and there were stone coffins everywhere. It was a little creepy. We didn't do much the rest of the night. We grabbed a bite to eat at McDonald's and then headed back to our B&B because we were really tired. But overall, it was a fantastic day.

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