Friday 19 March 2010

The best outdoor pursuits day ever: gorge scrambling!

I had the time of my life yesterday for outdoor pursuits. We went gorge scrambling along Afon Ddu (this translates into the Black River in English). Gorge scrambling is going up a mountain stream while going around boulders, climbing through crevices, and climbing up waterfalls. The water was pretty cold but I had the best time ever! Each person of the group took turns leading the way up the gorge and then Sally gave us little challenges as the day went on, such as climbing through a very small crevice, sliding down a waterfall, or spinning ourselves around a tree limb above water. We took a small break for lunch at the base of a waterfall and then later on in the day we took a longer break since we were ahead of schedule. We made it to the top of the gorge where there was a very deep pool. And do you know what we did?!?!?!?! We all took turns jumping into it!! It was the best thing ever! It was as cold as ever though. As soon as I came in impact with the water, it took my breath away and I was in shock but I had the time of my life!!!! After we were all done jumping in (even our instructor Sally did) we walked back on a road down to the bus to head back to the Conway Center. I'm posting a link of the video of all of us jumping in. Thank goodness Annie brought her video camera along.!/video/video.php?v=524736801864&subj=547572873

As for Easter break, it starts tomorrow! The Central College group is leaving for Ireland at 10:30 in the morning where we will be taking a bus down to Holyhead and then a ferry to Dublin. We will be staying in Dublin for a few days and then we head to Galway and then back to Bangor. I'll be back to Bangor on Thursday night. I have two days before I head back out to enjoy the rest of my easter break. Which will be four days in Rome and then a nine day cruise around Greece and Turkey!!!! I hope I'll have time to update everything about Ireland before I leave for Rome but if not, I'll be back on April 11th. So until then, I'll talk to everyone in three weeks! (Please pray that the Easter break will go safely and smoothly, thanks!)

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