Wednesday 17 February 2010

Second day of outdoor pursuits

So on the second day of outdoor pursuits we went on a mountain walk! We went to Mountain Tryfan. We all had extra layers of clothing on and in our backpacks, had our lunches, water, inhaler for me, and hiking boots on. We were ready to go. At first, it was a little difficult for me because the hiking boots were heavy. But once I got used to the weight, the walking came a lot easier. We hiked for a good hour an a half before we made it to a flat area that was finally in the sun. We had been hiking in the shade the entire time and it was chilly. We were thinking about taking a break when we decided to try to reach the top of the mountain. So with our instructor, Sally, leading the way, we hiked towards the top. Unfortunately, there was ice blocking both the paths that we tried so we couldn't get to the top, but it was still fun. So by then, it was time for lunch. We slid down a snow bank to get to a level area to eat. The sliding part was so much fun. So we all sat down in the grass/heather and ate our lunches. One of the girls brought cookies to share and they were delicious. We had a beautiful view to look at. It was absolutely gorgeous! We had some company while we were eating our lunch. There were some wild goats munching on the grass near us, having their lunch as well. There were jets that were flying in between the mountains and we were actually above them! It was so weird to look down on them instead of looking up at them while they passed by. After resting for a bit, we went hiked to the other side of the mountain. It was getting to be a little colder since we went in the shade again and there was more ice and snow. Everyone was slipping and sliding all over the place. We had to climb over a ladder that was placed over a wall that was built in between the two mountains. Once on the other side of the mountain, we rested for a bit and then kept on going down to the bottom of the mountain. It was just so beautiful. I was pretty tired after that. But only a little bit sore, so I guess that's a good thing. After we got down to the bottom, I never knew how wonderful it would be to see the bus parked right there, ready to take us back. I felt pretty good that day. I climbed my first mountain! The second to last picture on the left is not the mountain we climbed. Its a mountain that we certainly admired though. The mountain here on the right is the one that we climbed. It actually looks like an old man lying down.

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