Monday 25 January 2010

Fieldtrip Number Two (part 2)-Snowdonia and Llandudno

On Sunday, we toured the national park of Snowdonia and went to the town of Llandudno. We started off by driving around Llyn Ogwen and then climbing up a path made of stones and rocks to see Llyn Idwal. The Llyn is welsh and it means lake. It was raining and cold when we were climbing up the path but it was beautiful. The mountains surround Lake Idwal half way and when the wind is really bad, it makes a howling noise. So the section by a part of the lake is called the Devil's Kitchen since it sounds like the devil is howling. According to Welsh myths, a monster lives in Lake Idwal, but luckily we didn't see any monster that day. :)
Our next adventure was stopping for about five minutes to the Ugly House. Back in the 15th and 16th century, if you could build a house in 24 hours and draw an even circle around it, then you could call the house and the land in the circle yours. The house really wasn't all that ugly, but it was closed so we didn't go in it.
Next was our visit to Swallow Falls. The program director, Tecwyn, paid for us to get into the park and see the falls. It only cost one pound but there were 20 of us. So two people had to squeeze into the cage to fit through while Tecwyn put the money into the slot, then they were pushed through. It was so funny to see! The falls were absolutely breath taking. There hasn't been a lot of rain here lately so the water was lower than usual but it was still amazing.

Our next stop was for lunch at Betws-y-coed. It was a pretty little town. Some of my friends and I brought our own lunches to save money so it didn't take us long to eat. After we were done eating we walked around a little bit to explore. I mainly wanted to walk up the river from where Swallow Falls was flowing into. The place was so neat. The little stone cottages and shops were all over, right next to the river. There were a lot of people there was well.

After about an hour, we moved onto Dolwyddelan Castle. This is the first Welsh castle that we have seen. It wasn't used for defense like the other castles that we have visited, this one was mainly used for a fortress for the native Prince of Wales. Supposedly the lady that owns the property that the castle is on is a little crazy. Tecwyn told us that a few years ago, one of the students started chasing some of her sheep. She went and got her shotgun and fired a few shots into the air. Note to self: don't chase the sheep. So everyone of us were super careful when we were walking up to the house. But she wasn't home. So we just opened up the gate and went in ourselves. The castle was not very big at all. Most of it was in ruins but what was so nice was that the sun finally came out! It warmed things up right away and there was even a rainbow! We got to climb to the top in the section with the tower. The view from up there was just amazing. When the sun came out, it made everything look so green and the mountains in the distance were clear. We snuck out of the castle and the crazy lady's property without ever paying. It was really fun! And nobody got shot at so that has been a joke among the central college group this past week.

Our final place to go to for the fieldtrip was the town called Llandudno. After several times of practicing, I finally said it right. It is really weird saying it. This town is famous for having the longest pier in the UK. All along the pier there were shops, arcade games, cafes, and carnival games. It looked like a lot of fun but nothing was really open since it wasn't the right time of the season. Also, it had started raining again and it was a very cold rain. It made everyone want to go home faster. So what do we do after walking the pier in the freezing rain? We go get ice cream! Ha ha. This ice cream shop is supposedly the best ice cream in Wales. So we decided to go try some. I got mint chocolate chip, my favorite, and it was actually really good. It made my hands cold while I was eating it, but it certainly tasted good. After looking around for a bit, we all climbed back onto the bus and headed home. It was a tiring but very fun day.

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